Rabu, 30 Agustus 2017

benefits of yam

Here are some of the Benefits ofyam For Health:
 1. Helps heal Hemorrhoids Fiber in the yam can help to overcome the hemorrhoids. This is because the benefits of fiber is to help facilitate the digestive tract, so the CHAPTER becomes easier and painless. Thus, hemorrhoids will be easier and faster to be cured with treatment. To overcome the hemorrhoids, make in the form of juice and drink every waking up in the morning.
 2. Treating yam Fever contains a nutritious chemical compounds to cool and reduce fever. Bengkuang tubers can be eaten directly or made into juice and drink in the morning and afternoon.
3. Good for Diabetic Mellitus Patients Besides using doctor's medicine, yam can be used to help maintain blood sugar levels. Dietary fiber contained in the yam play a role in lowering blood sugar levels, because it will be absorbed digestion slowly and not all converted into glucose. To keep blood sugar levels remain normal, the yam can be made juice or shredded then filtered and drunk every morning and afternoon.
4. Treating thrush Oral ulcer is a symptom of oral skin erosion on the inner wall of the cheek or tongue. The cause is a lack of vitamin C, allergies, or decreased endurance. Vitamin C content yam that work as an antioxidant can help speed up the healing process. Bengkuang can be given by juice and added with honey and water.

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