Jumat, 08 September 2017

Articel benefits of jackfruit

benefits of jackfruit

1. Prevent Heart Disease
Did you know, the nutrients contained in jackfruit can prevent the possibility of heart disease. Potassium content in the jackfruit is effective in reducing the chance of heart disease because it can lower blood pressure.

2. Preventing Anemia
In addition to reducing the chances of heart disease, jackfruit with iron content can prevent anemia and can also improve blood circulation in our body.

3. Asthma Treatment
In addition to the above two benefits, jackfruit can be used as an herb. The trick is, boiled roots and jackfruit extracts it can help to control asthma.

4. Maintain Thyroid Health
Our body has many glands, one of the glands that serves to maintain the body's immune thyroid gland. With jackfruit, especially the mineral content of micro and copper in jackfruit is also effective for thyroid metabolism. It is very good for producing hormones and absorption.

5. Maintaining Bone Health
Magnesium on jackfruit serves as a nutrient that can strengthen bones and prevent various bone health problems such as osteoporosis.

Articel benefit of jengkol

benefit of jengkol

Especially for vitamin C contained 80 mg in 100 grams of jengkol seeds, while the recommended nutritional intake per day is 75 mg for adult women and 90 mg for adult men.

In addition, Jengkol is a good source of protein, which is 23.3 g per 100 g of ingredients. Protein content far exceeds the tempe that is known as a source of vegetable protein, which is only 18.3 g / 100 g. Each individual's protein needs are of course different. In addition to helping growth and maintenance, protein also works to build enzymes, hormones, and immunity. Therefore, protein is often called a builder substances.

For iron, Jengkol contains 4.7 g per 100 g. Iron deficiency can cause anemia. The symptoms of an iron deficiency anemia are fatigue, weakness, pallor and lack of excitement, headaches and irritability, inability to concentrate, and susceptible to infection. Patients with chronic anemia show the form of nails like spoons and brittle, cracked at the corners of the mouth, difficult to swallow tongue.

Teenagers, pregnant women, nursing mothers, adults, and vegetarians are most at risk for iron deficiency. In the body, iron is partly located in red blood cells as heme, a pigment containing the nucleus of an iron atom.

Jengkol is also very good for bone health because of high calcium content, which is 140 mg / 100 g. The role of calcium in general can be divided into two, which helps the formation of bones and teeth, and regulate the biological processes in the body.

The greatest calcium requirement is at the time of growth, but in adulthood adequate consumption is strongly recommended to maintain bone health. The recommended calcium consumption in adults is 800 mg per day. Phosphorus content of jengkol (166.7 mg / 100 g) is also very important for bone and tooth formation, as well as for storage and energy expenditure.

Articel the benefits of spinach for health

the benefits of spinach for health

Heart health
As is known, spinach is also very rich in antioxidants so it is very good to prevent the accumulation of cholesterol plaque on the artery channel because if clogged in the arteries, the risk of heart disease is very high. In addition, spinach is also very useful for controlling blood pressure.

Make Bones More Strong
Spinach is also very nutritious to prevent the occurrence of osteoporosis so far feared especially by people who approached elderly. In the spinach is also contained vitamin K which helps in the absorption of calcium by the bones so that the bones become strong.

Prevent cancer
Spinach also contains flavonoids that can prevent infection in the body so that the impact on the lack of risk of colon cancer, lung cancer, ovarian cancer, and prostate cancer.

Blood Vessel Health
Spinach is also rich in iron which is very important to build red blood cells that have a function to carry oxygen throughout the body. Iron deficiency will make your body feels weak, easy to lose energy, easily drowsy, and can also cause anemia. To get enough iron in the body, one can increase the consumption of spinach.

Useful for Pregnant Women
Spinach contains folate and vitamin A which is very beneficial for pregnant mothers. With a lot of spinach consumption, the process of lung formation in the fetus played by vitamin A and the formation of a complete nervous system played by folate will work well

Articel benefits of broccoli for health

benefits of broccoli for health

1. Controlling cholesterol
Fiber on the benefits of broccoli controls the buildup of cholesterol in the body. It is very good for heart health and also avoid the symptoms of heart disease. So cook the broccoli in a boiled way to avoid the use of cooking oil.

2. Important for eye health
Broccoli is also very rich in vitamin A content that serves to maintain eye health and provide better vision. Eyes are an important asset to us, so keep your intake with our food intake with vitamin A like broccoli, on carrots or long beans. Lutein in broccoli is also able to keep eye damage due to exposure to sunlight
or aging.

3. It is good to keep the digestive system
Sulforaphane content can reduce the risk of digestive disorders such as gastritis, gastric infections. Sulforaphane is able to influence the increased production of enzymes in the liver. These enzymes play a role in causing carcinogenic causes of cancer symptoms and remove it from the cell. In medicine, germs are the leading cause of stomach ulcers or cancer

4. Sources of antioxidants
One of the highest content in broccoli is its vitamin C, this vitamin is very important and acts as an antioxidant that will help the body fight free radicals.

Articel benefit of potato

Benefit of potato
1. Lowering Blood Pressure
Potatoes are rich in potassium which helps lower blood pressure. These vegetables also contain chemicals called kukoamines, which can also help lower blood pressure. Not only that, the fiber found in potatoes can bind cholesterol in the blood.

2. Maintain the health of the brain and nervous system
Vitamin B6 contained in potatoes is very important to maintain healthy nerves, namely by creating brain chemicals, including serotonin, dopamine, and norepinephrine. In other words, consuming potatoes will help lower depression and stress. On the other hand, carbohydrates in potatoes can maintain the level of glucose needed to maintain brain performance.

3. Maintain immunity.
Potatoes contain vitamin C which is useful for maintaining immunity. The Washington City Potato Commission says consuming potatoes regularly keeps the body away from flu and scurvy.

4. Reduce inflammation.
While some studies suggest that potatoes cause inflammation, the Arthritis Foundation Foundation's organization recommends inflammatory people to consume potatoes. The study found that potatoes can reduce inflammation within two weeks. This opinion was also corroborated in a 2011 study published in the Journal of Nutrition.

5. Smooth digestion
High fiber makes potatoes become one of the good vegetables for digestion. Not only that, the high content of carbohydrates in potatoes also make these vegetables easily digested so as not to increase the workload of our digestive system.

6. Maintain heart health
The content of fiber in potatoes will help clean up cholesterol in the blood worker that will ultimately help maintain heart health. Similarly, vitamin C, B6, and carotenoids that will maintain heart function.

Articel benefit pineapple

Containing Pineapple Enzymes contain a special enzyme called Bromelain that has anti-inflammatory properties, even has no less efficacy with potent drugs such as NSAIDs and steroids, especially if bromelain is combined with spices such as turmeric (curcumin). Bromelain efficacious reduces joint pain due to gout and most types of arthritis, reduces sore throat, stops new tumor development and shrinks cancer, reduces postoperative swelling, relieves stomach acid rise, and complementary enzymes to promote and accelerate digestion and bowel motility

Other benefit
1. Regulate the thyroid gland and reduce the risk of goiter
2. Reduces throat swelling due to bronchitis and asthma
3. Lowering blood pressure.
4. Remove parasites from the liver and intestines
5. Relieves constipation
6. Prevents nausea
7. Low calorie to lose weight
8. Contains high pectin which helps remove heavy metals and toxins in the body Contains Anti-clotting agent

articel the benefits of soursop fruit for health

the benefits of soursop fruit for health

1. Improve the immune system
The content of compounds ranging from acetogenins to muricapentocin that has been mentioned just now useful to improve the body's immune system from the danger of disease, but also can also be used as a cure disease.

2. Energy Supplier for Body
The content of carbohydrates in soursop fruit has properties as an energy booster. In addition, the presence of vitamin B1 also adds energy levels to optimize the function of organs such as heart, brain, lungs, and kidneys by acting as a co-enzyme to convert glucose into energy.

3. Increase Concentration
Another specialty of thiamine is to maintain brain function and improve memory and concentration. The existence of this vitamin also helps the brain free from the burden (stress) and strengthen the motor nervous system in the brain.

4. Helps Production of Hemoglobin
The function of riboflavin in soursop fruit is very important, that is to help the production of red blood cells so that enough to flow oxygen to the entire tissues in the body. That way all the organs of both vital and non-performance can take place normally

Articel benefits of aloe vera

Aloe vera or aloe vera is famous to have many benefits, not only for the health of the body, but also for beauty, one of them part of our face. This is of course thanks to the content of Aloe vera which is rich in beneficial substances. In addition to being antibacterial and anti-inflammatory, aloe vera also contains a variety of other nutrients such as zinc, vitamin C, E, catechins, carotene, carbohydrates, amino acids, and flavonoid

Makeup Remover
 If all this time you always look for natural ingredients which can remove the rest of makeup on the face, then tongue buayalah one of the answers. Unlike cosmetic product manufacturers that may contain harmful chemicals, which can make the skin dry, aloe vera gel is much healthier and moisturize. Therefore, do not hesitate to use aloe vera gel extract as a facial cleanser. And for mascara or eyeliner which is usually harder to remove, you can mix the aloe vera gel with pure olive oil.

Shaving cream
Is it too painful for you to shave eyebrows using waxing? If so, then try using aloe vera. Not only is it antibacterial, the texture of a slippery aloe gel also allows you to shave. In addition, this gel can also moisturize the skin. You just put gel aloe gel into the face area (eyebrow usually) who want to be shaved.

 Soothes skin irritation
 Freeze aloe vera gel in ice cube molding container. Once frozen, use it whenever you need it. Frozen aloe vera gel is good for soothing skin irritation due to excessive sun exposure, insect stings, and even psoriasis. For those of you who may be accidentally exposed to a spark or hot oil can also rely on it.

Articel cause of traffic in jakarta

 DKI Jakarta Province has always been identified with traffic jam. Public policy observer, Andrinof Chaniago explained, there are nine things that cause traffic in the capital.

First, the road segment is well below the normal requirement that should be 20 percent of the total area of ​​the city. Currently, Jakarta's roads are only 6.2 percent of the total land area.

Secondly, the mode of public transportation has not yet met the needs of large cities. According to Andrinof, the main public transportation in Jakarta should be a bus and train that can carry passengers in large numbers.

The third cause is the lack of pedestrian bridges or crossing tunnel people. So people often cross the gang during high traffic flow. This of course inhibits the speed of the vehicle.

Fourth, because the policy of urban housing is wrong. Flats in Jakarta are very small. As a result, people spread to the periphery. "The spread of the house to the edge makes people old and many are on the road," said Andrinof.

The fifth cause because of the many intersections of roads that do not have buildings fly over or underpass. Sixth, the number of urbanization and population growth on the edge of Jakarta is very high. The amount is above 4.5 percent per year. Meanwhile, the majority of them work in Jakarta.

The seventh burden, that is because of the many bottleneck points, such as at the entrance of the highway. While the cause of number eight is due to lack of mass transit such as buses and trains.

The last cause, that is due to poor spatial and building permit errors such as malls and shophouses. "Beyond these nine causes, there are two fundamental issues in the past, namely bureaucratic leadership and budget governance," said an observer from the University of Indonesia

Articel filing system

In the archiving system there are 5 kinds of settings or archive storage techniques logically and systematically. That is by wearing

a. Alphabetical Filling System
b. Subject System (Main Content of Letters)
c. System Number
d. Geographical / Regional Systems
e. Date System (Chronological)
Each system can be used in accordance with the type of archive, or letter in an organization or company. The archiving system is a way of arranging or storing archives logically and systematically by using alphabet, numeric / number, letter or combination of letters and numbers as the identity of the associated archive .

Articel Understanding Opening Functions In A Presentation

Understanding Opening Functions In A Presentation

Before we discuss how to open a presentation properly, we need to know what exactly the opening function in the presentation is.

First: In order for the audience to understand the purpose of your presentation.
Audiences come to listen to a presentation for a purpose. Therefore, opening works to explain quickly what your presentation goals are. If the audience already knows the purpose of your presentation, they will be more interested to follow it to completion.

 Second: Get a General Description of What to Speak
Opening presentation is similar to opening a movie. When you watch a movie, the first 5 minutes are crucial because it will determine whether you will watch the movie until it finishes or leave it immediately. Like a film, the opening of the presentation serves to give the audience an idea of ​​what they will hear in the future.

Third: Creating Motivation and Want To Know Audiences
Audiences attend a presentation with different initial motivations. Some are eager to get new information from you. But some are just coming because asked by his boss. Therefore, here's your chance to create the same motivation for the audience so that they feel the need to listen to your presentation to the end. A good opening will also create an audience's curiosity so they will continue to listen to you.

Kamis, 07 September 2017

articel how to whiten the skin traditionally first by using avocado

how to whiten the skin traditionally first by using avocado. Avocados contain minerals, vitamins and natural oils that can maintain healthy and moisturized skin. In addition, this fruit is also effective to whiten body skin quickly. Here are the uses:

1. Prepare 2-3 ripe and fresh avocados.
2. Blend the avocado flesh by using a blender and mix with enough water.
3. Apply avocado cream throughout the body skin is desired evenly.
4. Let stand for 10-15 minutes.
5. Rinse the body using clean water.
6. Do this routine every day before taking a bath

Articel How to Make meatballs

How to Make meatballs:
1. Enter starch, garlic, onion, pepper, salt, and beef into a container. Knead by hand or using a mixer, such as a food processor or blender. Mop the meat and ingredients until smooth and well blended.

2. Add ice if the dough is soft and difficult to form. Boil water in a large pan until the heat is almost boiling.

3.Grab a handful of meatball meat dough, then press the dough to come out between your thumb and index finger.
4. Take the dough that has appeared with a spoon, then input into hot water. And so on until the dough runs out.
5. Continue by cooking the pentol or ball of meatball before using the big fire, until everything seems to float.

Artcel How To Eliminate Blackheads Naturally and Powerfully

How To Eliminate Blackheads Naturally and Powerfully

1. Using Lime

Lime contains vitamin C very much, it has been clinically tested to remove blackheads from inside as well as from outside the skin. Therefore, many cosmetics that use Lime as a raw material for making cosmetics good for the skin, especially oily skin is often problematic with blackheads. Make your skin treatments that blackheads using lime by cutting the fruit into two and squeeze the water. This lime juice is used as a mask that is applied to the skin of the face, especially in areas that mengkedo.

Every time you apply or apply lemon juice to your facial skin, do a gentle massage on the area that blackheads. The purpose of this massage is to facilitate blackheads lifted from the pores of the skin. Let stand approximately 15-20 minutes or wait until dry lemon that you apply on face. Rinse with warm water on your face. The blackhead will rise and fall with the water as you rinse your face. Your facial skin will feel smoother and without blackheads

Articel Benefits of Bank Services

Benefits of Bank Services
                 The profit that can be obtained by the bank is the difference between the deposit interest and the credit interest. In addition there are more benefits that can be obtained perbankkan namely through:

1. Administrative costs
                 This fee applies to services that require special administration, usually subject to the management of certain facilities.

2. Send Fees
                 Delivery costs are obtained from a remittance service or commonly referred to as a transfer, either in the country or abroad.

3. Charge Fee
Services charged to collect documents belonging to its customers such as clearing services and collection services. Charges are made both for billing documents in the country and abroad.

4. Fees and Commission Fees
                 This fee is borne by credit services and transfer services as well as services for bank assistance to a bank facility.

5. Rental Fees
                 This fee is charged to customers who use the facility of safe deposit box, and the amount of rent depends on the amount of safe deposit box used

Articel Understanding Other Bank Services

Understanding Other Bank Services

    In addition to collecting and distributing funds to the community, bank provides other facilities. But it will also look first from the capital side to the readiness of personnel from the bank to provide the facilities expected by the customer, but it is also considered whether the bank is included into the category of commercial banks, rural banks or sharia banks

Rabu, 06 September 2017

articel How To Make Orange Juice Easily

How To Make Orange Juice Easily

If you do not really like oranges in the blender, you can also make orange juice by squeezing juice by using juice extractor. Simply peel the orange peel then cut into 4 parts. Insert the pieces into juice extractor to extract the juice. If you do not have a juice extractor, you can squeeze the juice manually. Simply cut the orange into 2 parts and squeeze the orange. It usually takes about 3 oranges to get 1 glass of orange juice



1. Cut the squid into a ring shape or taste, wash and boil with 500 ml of water until cooked about 10 minutes, drain.
2. Saute garlic and onions with margarine until fragrant. Add ginger and pepper and add a little half a glass of water or about 100 ml. Enter lemon juice, chilli sauce, soy sauce, oyster sauce, sugar, pepper and salt and mix well to boil.
3. Enter the squid, add the cornstarch solution and stir well and cook until thickened, remove and serve

articel benefit tahajud prayer

The Benefits of Tahajud Prayer

At least, there are some benefits tahajud prayers are delivered in research, that is.

1. The eraser and prevent sinning

As mentioned above, tahajud prayer is a worship that is always done by the pious people. This worship approaches a man to his creator, Allah SWT. You could say tahajud prayer can be a medium of sin for someone. They also certainly strengthen the faith and abstain from the commission of sins large and small. Rasulullah SAW once said that the evening prayer is a worship that is often done by the pious people. This worship can bring a person closer to the Creator, the way to take away the sin and prevent the Muslims to sin.

2. The sign of the fear appears in advance

People who always perform tahajud prayer will look shine in his face. This is a sign that someone is cautious to Allah SWT. The signs of piety are always visible to those around them. It could be a boisterous spirit for other Muslims to always perform tahajud prayer. Prayer tahajud still keep one's faith steadfast to the most Merciful.

Rabu, 30 Agustus 2017

artikel the benefits of water rose

The benefits of rose water for skin beauty

Here are the various benefits of rose water for skin beauty you should know:

1. Natural face toner

The benefits of rose water this one may have often you hear. Yep! Rose water is often used as a toner or facial cleanser that can give a refreshing effect on facial skin. You can pour rose water on cotton, then pat on the surface of your face. Do it this way before going to bed regularly.

2. Prevent the appearance of acne

Antiseptics contained in rosewater is useful for dealing with bacterial problems that are particularly susceptible to acne prone skin. Use rose water in the morning after cleansing and before using skincare. In the same way, do it also at night. If you use regularly for about three weeks, then the benefits will be good enough to deal with acne skin problems.

3. Brighten skin

Another benefit of rose water is to brighten the skin. This is influenced by the content of vitamins A and E that work very well to help eksfoliasi in facial skin. In addition, the antioxidant properties of rose water can strengthen skin cells and regenerate skin tissue.

4. Prevent premature aging

Another formula of rose water that can be relied upon is rose hip seeds. This substance has vitamin C content that is useful as an antioxidant. Nutrients that seep into the skin, able to minimize the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles on the face so as to prevent premature aging.

benefits of yam

Here are some of the Benefits ofyam For Health:
 1. Helps heal Hemorrhoids Fiber in the yam can help to overcome the hemorrhoids. This is because the benefits of fiber is to help facilitate the digestive tract, so the CHAPTER becomes easier and painless. Thus, hemorrhoids will be easier and faster to be cured with treatment. To overcome the hemorrhoids, make in the form of juice and drink every waking up in the morning.
 2. Treating yam Fever contains a nutritious chemical compounds to cool and reduce fever. Bengkuang tubers can be eaten directly or made into juice and drink in the morning and afternoon.
3. Good for Diabetic Mellitus Patients Besides using doctor's medicine, yam can be used to help maintain blood sugar levels. Dietary fiber contained in the yam play a role in lowering blood sugar levels, because it will be absorbed digestion slowly and not all converted into glucose. To keep blood sugar levels remain normal, the yam can be made juice or shredded then filtered and drunk every morning and afternoon.
4. Treating thrush Oral ulcer is a symptom of oral skin erosion on the inner wall of the cheek or tongue. The cause is a lack of vitamin C, allergies, or decreased endurance. Vitamin C content yam that work as an antioxidant can help speed up the healing process. Bengkuang can be given by juice and added with honey and water.

Benefits of dragon fruit

Red dragon fruit is related to the type of cactus plant from the genera selenicereus and hylocereus. This fruit was first discovered in Central America, Mexico City. Currently red dragon fruit has been widely cultivated in various countries such as Vietnam, Philippines, Taiwan, Malaysia, Okinawa, South China, Australia, and Indonesia. To get the benefits of red dragon fruit, then this fruit is very good to be consumed regularly. The content in it proved able to strengthen the body's immune system in addition there are many other vitamin content in it. Benefits in the dragon fruit content is very good for the fulfillment of the needs of vitamins and minerals in the human body.
Sourced from: Proven Scientific Benefits of Red Dragon Fruit - Mediskus

Selasa, 29 Agustus 2017

artiket stake

1. Understanding the stock Shares are securities which is a sign of a person's or entity's ownership of a company. Understanding this means stocks are securities issued by a company in the form of a limited liability company (PT) or commonly referred to as issuers of stock institutions 
a. securities company 
b. financial institution 
c.legal Consultant 
d.Public accounting
e. A notary Assessor

artikel how to give the best waiter to costumer

HOW to GIVE the BEST WAITER to CUSTOMERS how you serve customers? By listening to them? With promises to them? Or by always spoiling them? There is nothing wrong from the way it is. Because customers are indeed becoming a need and necessity, owned a business. Therefore, every company must know how they serve and make their customers happy to do business with him. And what to do? Here are some of them: 

1. true – true listening they a customer who came on business you certainly want a solution of the problem they have. When they told me and complained of a problem then your job is to listen to them properly and pay attention to every detail of their needs. Don't ever even interrupt their speech. Listen to and watch only what they want to convey. After you listen well, you could easily offer solutions to them. 

2. Don't ignore their Customers just want to be served quickly, even if your answer cannot be delivered immediately, they still want to get the answers they want. Never ignore any customer questions. And lest You deny every promise you make to them. Make an appointment for You to meet.

Selasa, 25 Juli 2017


Bagaimana Anda melayani pelanggan? Dengan mendengarkan mereka? Dengan memberikan janji kepada mereka? Atau dengan selalu memanjakan mereka? Tidak ada yang salah dari cara itu. Karena pelanggan memang menjadi suatu kebutuhan dan keharusan yang dimiliki sebuah bisnis. Oleh karena itu setiap perusahaan harus tahu bagaimana mereka melayani dan membuat pelanggan mereka senang berbisnis dengannya. Dan apa saja caranya? berikut ini beberapa diantaranya:

1. Benar – benar mendengarkan mereka

Seorang pelanggan yang datang pada bisnis Anda tentu menginginkan sebuah solusi dari masalah yang mereka miliki. Ketika mereka bercerita dan mengeluhkan sebuah masalah maka tugas Anda adalah mendengarkan mereka dengan baik dan memperhatikan setiap detail kebutuhan mereka. Jangan pernah sekalipun menyela ucapan mereka. Dengarkan dan perhatikan saja apa yang mereka ingin sampaikan. Setelah Anda mendengarkan dengan baik, Anda bisa dengan mudah menawarkan solusi kepada mereka.

2. Jangan mengabaikan mereka

Pelanggan hanya ingin dilayani dengan cepat, bahkan jika jawaban Anda tidak dapat dikirimkan segera, mereka masih tetap ingin mendapatkan jawaban yang mereka inginkan. Jangan pernah mengabaikan setiap pertanyaan pelanggan. Dan jangan sampai Anda mengingkari setiap janji yang Anda buat kepada mereka. Buatlah janji yang mudah untuk Anda penuhi.

3. Mengakomodasi kebutuhan pelanggan

Anda pasti sadar bahwa melayani pelanggan bukanlah hal yang mudah. Mendengarkan setiap permintaan dan kebutuhan mereka tentu tidaklah mudah. Anda juga tidak bisa memastikan bahwa segala kebutuhan pelanggan dapat Anda penuhi dengan cepat. Tapi ini bukan berarti Anda tidak mau mendengarkan atau bahkan mengabaikan permintaan pelanggan. Anda bisa mengakomodasi setiap permintaan pelanggan. Meskipun banyak dan tidak mungkin, pelanggan akan tetap menjadi brand ambassador potensial bagi bisnis Anda.

4. Membangun kepercayaan

Banyak cara yang dapat Anda lakukan dalam upaya membangun kepercayaan bagi pelanggan Anda. Anda memang harus terus memberikan pelayanan terbaik mulai dari mendengar hingga memenuhi janji kepada pelanggan Anda. Ketika Anda mampu memberikan apa yang pelanggan inginkan dan terus memberikan pelayanan terbaik, secara otomatis pelanggan akan mempercayai apa yang Anda tawarkan.

5. Hidupkan nilai perusahaan

Untuk memastikan bahwa sebuah perusahaan akan bertahan lama di pasaran, mereka harus bisa menghidupkan nilai perusahaan. Salah satu caranya yaitu melalui pelayanan kepada pelanggan. Anda dapat menunjukkan apa dan bagaimana bisnis Anda melalui tata cara dan teknik Anda dalam melayani pelanggan dan memenuhi kebutuhan mereka. Setiap karyawan yang dimiliki harus tahu cara ini, karena tidak menutup kemungkinan mereka akan bertemu dengan salah satu pelanggan Anda di luar sana.


Contoh paragraf deskriptif
Contoh Descriptive Text Tentang Teman ( About Friend )
  His name is kevin anggara, kevin anggara is my classmate, he has tall body, he is 170 cm, he has straight black hair, he has oval face, he has small eyes, he has sharp nose, he has thick lips, he dark brown skin, he has thin body, he always wears black shirt, he is kind, he is smart, he is helpful, he is generous, and he is dilligent


1.Pengertian saham
Saham adalah surat berharga yang merupakan tanda kepemilikan seseorang atau badan terhadap suatu perusahaan. Pengertian saham ini artinya adalah surat berharga yang dikeluarkan oleh sebuah perusahaan yang berbentuk Perseroan Terbatas (PT) atau yang biasa disebut emiten

Lembaga-lembaga pedukung saham
a. Perusahaan efek
b. Lembaga keuangan
c. Konsultan hukum
d.  Akuntan publik
e. Notaris
f. Penilai

2. Obligasi adalah suatu istilah yang digunakan dalam dunia keuangan yang merupakan suatu pernyataan utang dari penerbit obligasi kepada pemegang obligasi beserta janji untuk membayar kembali pokok utang beserta kupon bunganya kelak pada saat tanggal jatuh tempo pembayaran



CV dalam bahasa Indonesia berarti daftar riwayat hidup, atau dalam versi singkatnya biasa disebut resume. Sesuai dengan namanya, maka CV berupa isian data diri yang berkaitan dengan hal yang penting dan patut diketahui oleh orang yang dituju. CV yang dikirim ke sebuah institusi atau perusahaan guna melamar kerja akan dinilai menurut isinya. Tapi, sebagian orang hanya terfokus pada isi CV yang formal tanpa mempertimbangkan daya tarik dari CV yang dibuat

Contoh CV

Contoh Curriculum Vitae (Daftar Riwayat Hidup) 1

Maulana Malik Ibrahim

  • Nama: Maulana Malik Ibrahim
  • Tempat/tanggal lahir: Palembang, 23 Agustus 1975
  • Jenis kelamin: Pria
  • Status: Menikah
  • Agama: Islam
  • Kewarganegaraan: Indonesia
  • Tinggi: 172 cm
  • Berat: 69 kg
  • Alamat: Jl. Teuku Umar No. 24, Palembang
Ringkasan Tujuan Karier
Untuk mengembangkan karier di bidang jurnalistik & broadcasting di mana saya bisa memanfaatkan keahlian saya seperti menulis siaran pers, berhubungan dengan orang lain, menulis artikel, dan sebagainya dengan maksimal untuk keberhasilan perusahaan.
Menulis siaran pers, berhubungan dengan orang lain, menulis artikel, etika jurnalistik, menulis di media cetak, grammar yang baik, kerja tim, kepemimpinan/leadership, problem solving, Microsoft Office, berkomitmen, sopan dan bersemangat.
Pengalaman Kerja
Web Developer, Jude Kekar June 2012 – May 2013
Riwayat Pendidikan
Universitas Indonesia, Sarjana (S1) – Komunikasi, Mei 2000-2004
Kemampuan Berbahasa
Bahasa Inggris. Tertulis: cukup. Lisan: cukup



1. Pengertian Bank
Bank (pengucapan bahasa Indonesia: [bang]) adalah sebuah lembaga intermediasi keuangan umumnya didirikan dengan kewenangan untuk menerima simpanan uang, meminjamkan uang, dan menerbitkan promes atau yang dikenal sebagai banknote. Kata bank berasal dari bahasa Italia banca berarti tempat penukaran uang

Peran Bank Indonesia Dalam Perbankan Indonesia :
1. Bank Indonesia memiliki tugas untuk menjaga stabilitas moneter antara lain melalui instrumen suku bunga dalam operasi pasar terbuka. Bank Indonesia dituntut untuk mampu menetapkan kebijakan moneter secara tepat dan berimbang. Hal ini mengingat gangguan stabilitas moneter memiliki dampak langsung terhadap berbagai aspek ekonomi.
2. Bank Indonesia memiliki peran vital dalam menciptakan kinerja lembaga keuangan yang sehat, khususnya perbankan. Penciptaan kinerja lembaga perbankan seperti itu dilakukan melalui mekanisme pengawasan dan regulasi.
3. Bank Indonesia memiliki kewenangan untuk mengatur dan menjaga kelancaran system pembayaran. Bila terjadi gagal bayar (failure to settle) pada salah satu peserta dalam system sistem pembayaran, maka akan timbul risiko potensial yang cukup serius dan mengganggu kelancaran sistem pembayaran. Kegagalan tersebut dapat menimbulkan risiko yang bersifat menular (contagion risk) sehingga menimbulkan gangguan yang bersifat sistemik.
Bank Indonesia mengembangkan mekanisme dan pengaturan untuk mengurangi risiko dalam system pembayaran yang cenderung semakin meningkat. Antara lain dengan menerapkan system pembayaran yang bersifat real time atau dikenal dengan nama sistem RTGS (Real Time Gross Settlement) yang dapat lebih meningkatkan keamanan dan kecepatan sistem pembayaran.
4. Melalui fungsinya dalam riset dan pemantauan, Bank Indonesia dapat mengakses informasiinformasi yang dinilai mengancam stabilitas keuangan. Melalui pemantauan secara macroprudential, Bank Indonesia dapat memonitor kerentanan sektor keuangan dan mendeteksi potensi kejutan (potential shock) yang berdampak pada stabilitas sistem keuangan. Melalui riset, Bank Indonesia dapat mengembangkan instrumen dan indikator macroprudential untuk mendeteksi kerentanan sektor keuangan.
5. Bank Indonesia memiliki fungsi sebagai jaringan pengaman sistem keuangan melalui fungsi bank sentral sebagai lender of the last resort (LoLR). Fungsi LoLR merupakan peran tradisional Bank Indonesia sebagai bank sentral dalam mengelola krisis guna menghindari terjadinya ketidakstabilan sistem keuangan. Fungsi sebagai LoLR mencakup penyediaan likuiditas pada kondisi normal maupun krisis. Fungsi ini hanya diberikan kepada bank yang menghadapi masalah likuiditas dan berpotensi memicu terjadinya krisis yang bersifat sistemik. Pada kondisi normal, fungsi LoLR dapat diterapkan pada bank yang mengalami kesulitan likuiditas temporer namun masih memiliki kemampuan untuk membayar kembali.
Tugas Bank Indonesia Dalam Perbankan Indonesia :
Bank Indonesia memiliki lima peran utama dalam menjaga stabilitas sistem keuangan. Kelima peran utama yang mencakup kebijakan dan instrumen dalam menjaga stabilitas system keuangan itu adalah:
1. Menetapkan dan Melaksanakan Kebijakan Moneter
Menetapkan sasaran-sasaran moneter dengan memerhatikan sasaran laju inflasi yang ditetapkannya. Serta Melakukan pengendalian moneter dengan menggunakan cara-cara yang termasuk tetapi tidak terbatas pada :
o Operasi pasar terbuka
o Penempatan tingkat diskonto
o Penetapan cadangan wajib minimum
o Peraturan kredit atau pembiayaan
o Kebijakan nilai tukar
o Kewenangan dalam mengelola devisa
o Penyelenggaraan survey yang erkaitan denagn keuangan
2. Mengatur dan Menjaga Kelancaran Sistem pembayaran.
Dalam tugas mengatur dan memjaga kelancaran sistem pembayaran Bank Indonesia Berwenang :
– Melaksanakan dan memberikan persetujuan dan izin atau menyelenggarakan jasa system pembayaran untuk menyampaikan laporan kegitan serta menetapkan penggunaan alat pembayaran.
– Mengatur sistem kliring antar bank baik dalam mata uang rupiah maupun asing, maksudnya BI berwenang mengatur sistem kliring antar bank dalam mata uang rupiah dan valuta asing yang meliputi sistim keliring domestik dan lintas Negara ( pasal 16).
– Menyelenggarakan penyelesaian akhir transaksi pembayaran antar bank.mengeluarkan dan mengendorkan uang, sesuai dengan amanat UUD 1945. BI merupakan satu-satunya lembaga yang berwenang untuk mengeluarkan dan mengatur peredaran uang rupiah (pasal 20) termasuk dalam wewenang ini mencabut, menarik serta memusnakan dan menetapkan macam-macam, harga ciri uang yang akan dikeluarkan, bahan yang digunakan dan penentuan tanggal mulai berlakunya sebagai alat pembayaran yang sah (pasal 19).
3.Mengatur dan Mengawasi Bank
Pengaturan dan pengawasan Bank merupakan salah satu tugas BI sebagai mana ditentukan dalam pasal 8 UU BI.
– Memberikan dan mencabut izin atas kelembagaan dan kegiatan usaha tertentu bank.
– Melaksanakan pengawasan Bank, serta mengenakan sanksi terhadap bank (pasal 24).
– Menetapkan ketentuan-ketentuan perbankan yang memuat perinsip kehati-hatian (pasal 25).
– Pemeriksaan terhadap bank dilakukan secara berkala maupun setiap waktu apa bila diperlukan dan dapat dilakukan terhadap perusahaan induk,perusahaan anak,pihak terkait dan pihak terafilasi dari bank apa bila diperlukan.Bank dan pihak lain tersebut wajib meberikan kepada pemeriksa :
1. keterangan dan data yang diminta.
2. kesempatan untuk melihat semua pembukuaan,dokumen,dan saran fisik yang terkait dengan kegiatan usaha.
• Bank Indonesia dapat melakukan pengalihan pengawasan. Dalam UU BI ditetapkan bahwa tugas mengawasi bank akan dialihkan kepada lembaga pengawasan sector jasa keuangan independen yang yang dibentuk berdasarkan selambat-lambatnya 31 desember 2002 ( pasal 34 )tugas yang dialihkan pada lembaga ini tidak dapat termasuk tugas pengaturan bank serta tugas yang berkaitan dengan perizinana.
• Mengambil tindakan terhadap suatu bank sebagaimana diatur dalam UU tentang perbankan yang berlaku apa bila menurut penilaian BI dapat membahayakan kelangsungan usaha bank yang bersangkutan dan atau mebahayakan perekonomian nasional.
Fungsi Bank Indonesia Dalam Perbankan Indonesia :
1. Untuk menjaga stabilitas moneter antara lain melalui instrumen suku bunga dalam operasi pasar terbuka. Bank Indonesia dituntut untuk mampu menetapkan kebijakan moneter secara tepat dan berimbang. Hal ini mengingat gangguan stabilitas moneter memiliki dampak langsung terhadap berbagai aspek ekonomi. Kebijakan moneter melalui penerapan suku bunga yang terlalu ketat, akan cenderung bersifat mematikan kegiatan ekonomi.
2. Bank Indonesia memiliki peran vital dalam menciptakan kinerja lembaga keuangan yang sehat, khususnya perbankan. Penciptaan kinerja lembaga perbankan seperti itu dilakukan melalui mekanisme pengawasan dan regulasi. Seperti halnya di negara-negara lain, sektor perbankan memiliki pangsa yang dominan dalam sistem keuangan.
3. Bank Indonesia memiliki kewenangan untuk mengatur dan menjaga kelancaran sistem pembayaran. Bila terjadi gagal bayar (failure to settle) pada salah satu peserta dalam sistem sistem pembayaran, maka akan timbul risiko potensial yang cukup serius dan mengganggu kelancaran sistem pembayaran. Kegagalan tersebut dapat menimbulkan risiko yang bersifat menular (contagion risk) sehingga menimbulkan gangguan yang bersifat sistemik.
4. Bank Indonesia dapat mengakses informasi-informasi yang dinilai mengancam stabilitas keuangan. Melalui pemantauan secaramacroprudential, Bank Indonesia dapat memonitor kerentanan sektor keuangan dan mendeteksi potensi kejutan (potential shock) yang berdampak pada stabilitas sistem keuangan. Melalui riset, Bank Indonesia dapat mengembangkan instrumen dan indikator macroprudential untuk mendeteksi kerentanan sektor keuangan.
5. Bank Indonesia memiliki fungsi sebagai jaring pengaman sistim keuangan melalui fungsi bank sentral sebagai lender of the last resort (LoLR). Fungsi LoLR merupakan peran tradisional Bank Indonesia sebagai bank sentral dalam mengelola krisis guna menghindari terjadinya ketidakstabilan sistem keuangan. Fungsi sebagai LoLR mencakup penyediaan likuiditas pada kondisi normal maupun krisis. Fungsi ini hanya diberikan kepada bank yang menghadapi masalah likuiditas dan berpotensi memicu terjadinya krisis yang bersifat sistemik.

Manajemen practice

1. Greeting atau salam

Salam adalah merupakan tata cara bersahabat yang paling mendasar sebagai kata sambutan kepada tamu yang data dan menginap, saat tamu mulai memasuki gerbang hotel kita diharapkan para staff mengucapkan salam sebagai sambutan hangat bagi para tamu. 
Salam dilakukan disertai dengan senyum kepada tamu sehingga memberikan kesan sambutan hangat seolah-olah kedatangannya sangat ditunggu-tunggu oleh para penghuni rumah. 
2. Memperkenalkan diri kepada tamu

Saat kita melakukan salam tidak serta merta kita berhenti disitu saja, akan tetapi langkah lanjutan adalah anda harus datang menghampiri tamu tersebut dan memperkenalkan diri anda, seperti kata pepatah "tak kenal maka tak sayang" 
Perkenalan harus dilakukan dengan penuh rasa hormat dan menjaga etika antara kita dan tamu itu sendiri, untuk menghindari sesuatu yang tidak diharapkan. 
3. Membawa barang bawaan tamu 
Setelah memperkenalkan diri anda diharapkan membawa barang bawaan tamu yang dalam hal ini merupakan tugas seorang porter dalam melayani dan membawa barang bawaan tamu tersebut
4. Mengantar tamu ke Lobby
Dalam anda melakukan sambutan kepada tamu anda harus melanjutkan proses registrasi di bagian front office, maka kita selaku bagian depan dari departemen perhotelan diharuskan untuk mengantarkan tamu hingga mencapai lobi sebagai tempat terhenti pekerjaan sambutan awal tamu menginap.
5. Melanjutkan Registrasi ke Bagian Front Oficce 

Terakhir adalah melanjutkan registrasi, proses pendaftaran tamu bahwa dia telah melakukan booking terlebih dahulu ataupun belum adalah tugas bagian front desk untuk mengklarifikasi booking dari tamu. jadi dalam tata sambutan serta salam akan berakhir di bagian front desk departement sebagai bagian terdepan dalam perusahaan perhotelan.

Selasa, 18 Juli 2017

cara membuat ZIP and RAR

1. Install terlebih dahulu aplikasi Winrar
2. File-file yang akan di compress dengan Winrar sebaiknya dijadikan dalam satu folder terlebih dahulu
3. Kemudian klik kanan pada file tersebut dan pilih Add to archive seperti pada contoh gambar dibawah ini :

Cara Membuat File Folder Dalam Bentuk Rar atau Zip

Selanjutnya akan muncul tampilan sebagai berikut :

Cara Membuat File Folder Dalam Bentuk Rar atau Zip Berpassword

Disini saya hanya akan menjelaskan fungsi yang sering digunakan. Perhatikan gambar diatas. Untuk merubah nama file tersebut dapat merubahnya pada kolom Archive name, ubah nama file sesuai yang diinginkan.
Kemudian jika anda ingin hasilnya berformat rar atau zip dapat memilih pilihan pada Archive format. Untuk membagi file jadi beberapa bagian gunakan fungsi Split to volume, size, pilih ukuran bagian file yang diinginkan. Hasilnya maka file akan berbentuk part1 hingga part-part selanjutnya.
Nah fungsi dari Winrar yang sering juga digunakan adalah membuat file rar berpassword. Untuk itu dapat menggunaan fungsi Set Password. Setelah itu anda dapat klik OK untuk membuat file anda menjadi file archive berformat Rar atau Zip

cara membuat google drive

Cara Memiliki Akun Google Drive

  • Langkah pertama, buka webbrowser anda dan pilih Google, atau ketik alamat google.com pada addres bar.
  • Langkah selanjutnya, klik icon kotak-kotak kecil yang berapada pada sisi kanan atas, dan pilih Drive
    Cara Membuat Akun Google Drive
  • Maka akan tampil halaman ciri khas dari login Google.
    Buat Akun Google Drive
  • Masukkan alamat email dan sandi akun gmail Anda
  • Klik Masuk
  • Maka akan tampil halaman utama Google Drive. Dan selamat Anda sudah memiliki satu akun dari seluruh Google

    Demikian cara membuat google drove semoga bermanfaat.

cara membuat drag n drop

Drag and Drop
Dari Wikipedia bahasa Indonesia, ensiklopedia bebas
Dalam pengguna komputer grafis antarmuka, drag dan drop adalah gerakan perangkat penunjuk di mana pengguna memilih objek virtual dengan "meraih" dan menyeretnya ke lokasi yang berbeda atau ke benda virtual lain. Secara umum, dapat digunakan untuk memanggil berbagai jenis tindakan, atau membuat berbagai jenis asosiasi antara dua benda abstrak. Sebagai fitur, drag-and-drop dukungan tidak ditemukan di semua perangkat lunak, meskipun kadang-kadang dengan teknik cepat dan mudah untuk belajar. Namun, tidak selalu jelas bagi pengguna bahwa item dapat menyeret dan menjatuhkan, yang dapat menurunkan kegunaan.[1]
Urutan dasar yang terlibat dalam drag dan drop adalah:
  • Pindahkan pointer ke objek
  • Tekan, dan tahan, tombol pada mouse atau perangkat penunjuk lainnya, untuk "ambil" objek,
  • "Drag" objek ke lokasi yang diinginkan,
  • "Drop" objek dengan melepaskan tombol.
Menyeret membutuhkan upaya lebih fisik daripada memindahkan perangkat penunjuk yang sama tanpa menekan tombol apapun. Karena itu, pengguna tidak dapat bergerak cepat dan tepat sambil menyeret (lihat hukum Fitts). Namun, drag-and-drop operasi memiliki keuntungan serius chunking bersama dua operand (obyek untuk menyeret, dan lokasi drop) ke dalam satu tindakan.[2] Diperpanjang menyeret dan menjatuhkan (seperti dalam desain grafis) dapat menekankan tangan mousing.
Masalah muncul ketika desain tombol yang sama memilih dan menyeret item. Gerakan yang tidak tepat dapat menyebabkan menyeret ketika pengguna hanya ingin memilih.
Masalah lain adalah bahwa target menjatuhkan dapat disembunyikan di bawah benda-benda lainnya. Pengguna harus menghentikan menyeret, membuat kedua sumber dan target terlihat dan mulai lagi. Dalam Mac OS klasik menu bar top-of-screen menjabat sebagai universal "seret membatalkan" target. Masalah ini telah dibahas dalam Mac OS X dengan pengenalan

cara membuat shortcut

Langkah-langkah mebuat shortcut

Cara 1# Membuat Shortcut File, Folder atau Software di Windows 7

Buka file, folder, drive atau software yang kamu ingin jadikan shortcut dan kemudian klik kiri, tahan. Setelah itu geser ke desktop atau folder dimana kamu ingin mengakses shortcut tersebut.


Cara 2# Membuat Shortcut File, Folder atau Software di Windows 7

Buka file, folder, drive atau software yang kamu ingin jadikan shortcut setelah itu klik kanan, pilih Send To>Desktop. Ini akan membuat file, folder, drive atau software menjadi shortcut di desktop.

Cara Membuat Shortcut File, Folder atau Software di Windows 7

Cara 3# Membuat Shortcut File, Folder atau Software di Windows 7

Buka file, folder, drive atau software yang kamu ingin jadikan shortcut setelah itu klik kanan dan pilih Create shortcut

Cara Membuat Shortcut File, Folder atau Software di Windows 7

Jika muncul window peringatan seperti di bawah ini, pilih Yes. Shortcut akan muncul di desktop.

Cara Membuat Shortcut File, Folder atau Software di Windows 7

Cara 4# Membuat Shortcut File, Folder atau Software di Windows 7

Buka tempat dimana kamu ingin membuat shortcut, klik kanan dan pilih New>Shortcut.

Cara Membuat Shortcut File, Folder atau Software di Windows 7

Kemudian buka file, folder, drive atau software lewat tombol Browse.. dan klik Next.
Cara Membuat Shortcut File, Folder atau Software di Windows 7

Beri nama pada shortcut tersebut dan klik Finish
Cara Membuat Shortcut File, Folder atau Software di Windows 7

Cara 5# Membuat Shortcut File, Folder atau Software di Windows 7

Buka file, folder, drive atau software yang kamu ingin jadikan shortcut, setelah itu klik kanan dan pilih Copy.

Cara Membuat Shortcut File, Folder atau Software di Windows 7

Kemudian buka tempat dimana kamu ingin meletakkan shortcut tersebut dan klik Paste shortcut

Cara Membuat Shortcut File, Folder atau Software di Windows 7

Nah itulah kelima cara membuat shortcut yang bisa WinPoin berikan untuk kamu, bila kamu mempunyai cara lain untuk membuat shortcut, kamu bisa membagikannya dengan teman-teman WinPoin lainnya dengan cara menuliskannya di kolom komentar atau bergabung d